Being a mom…

Being a mom…

As a mom, it is ok to feel tired, overwhelmed, frustrated and even defeated. There is no need to hide these feelings and act as if everything is always alright. Being a mom is not easy. Remember to give yourself some free time to read, have adult conversation, plan a Mom’s night out or just some quiet time. Our kids cannot enjoy the best of us if we are not working to our full potential. You are a person too, relax, you’re doing just fine. No one expects perfection, but moms get pretty close 😉  Too often do women keep quiet about how they are feeling and has to stop. It will eat away at you bit by bit. Start to have conversations with other moms about these feelings, you will see that you are not alone. 

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Happy 3rd Birthday!

Happy 3rd Birthday!

I can’t believe that this day has come so fast! My baby girl turned 3 Valentines Day weekend! Let me first say that I only do birthday parties for ages 1, 5, 10, 13, 16 and 18, if she decides to invite me to her 21st, that will be beautiful just not funded by us! LOL! So for this year, I invited 2 other girls over and they did arts and crafts, made pizzas, she opened her gifts and had cupcakes. It was cheap, quick and the girls were happy! So easy and awesome! The other parents said that it was the best party they ever attended and weren’t exhausted! A super play date with tote bags that they made themselves. Feel free to try it yourself or share your own stories, 4 will be here before I know it!

Its a Movement! A Post Baby Body Movement!!

Its a Movement! A Post Baby Body Movement!!

Hey ladies, now we have all been down this postnatal road. We know how hard it is to lose our fabulous mummy tummy! Well, 993393_603658246351885_1091449158_nI’m here to help. I am not some genetic miracle and yes it is hard, dedicated work, but super possible! See I too, struggled with my tummy. Even more so after I stopped breastfeeding.  I tried every video and tummy lose trick out there. The truth is, it takes good old fashion fitness and nutrition.

Prior to my daughter, I had a decent shape and semi flat stomach. I was told by many people, that I would never have a flat tummy after a c section and abdominal separation. Ha!! I proved them wrong and I am here to help you all out, if you would like. As many of you know, I am a certified specialist in fitness nutrition and a weight management consultant that runs both on site and an online business. Honestly, it is cool, because I love what I do! Your fitness and meal plans are tailored exclusively you for you. Yes, only you! I chose to include online training in my services because, lets face it. Moms all around America would like to know this information. So go ahead ladies and even guys, pass this information along and use it if you need it. Looking forward to our journey together!

Online Clients 100.00 a month/4 sessions monthly

Infant yeast infection and diaper rash!

Infant yeast infection and diaper rash!

So, people always offer advice about parenting, but why does it seem like they forget significant things like a yeast infection! Now for those of you that do not know, both girls and boys can get yeast infection.
Back story: my daughter was congested and I was told that it would go away within a week since it was just a common cold. She only 3 months old at the time and cold medicine is a no-no. Well the cold lasted 3 weeks and she ended up with an ear infection. She was prescribed antibiotics which led to her yeast infection. Please know that it looked just like a diaper rash, but a few days ago I noticed the discharge (sorry for those that are squeamish)! What was news to me was that a yeast infection can spread and gets under the neck from drooling (keep plenty of bibs around). Are you ready for the remedy??? Lotrimin AF!!!! Yes, the anti fungal foot cream! And a sitz bath (baking soda bath). My, my, my you learn something new everyday!


New To Parenthood

So I have been away for a moment, enjoying new motherhood. It is very interesting how your life changes so drastically when a child comes along. As a mother she has become my very first priority. All the things that you prepared for and said that you would or wouldn’t do, go out of the window once they arrive. The love is completely amazing and overwhelming, but it is completely an OJT (on-the job training) type of situation. Between ear infections, tummy aches, food allergies, gas pressure, constipation, and just plain crankiness, you never quite know what your day will hold. Now all of those things happen, but so do smiles, giggles, hysterical laughter, and adoring stares! Those are the best times. I just wanted to share that with you. My baby girl is 17 weeks old and she is phenomenal! I know other people say the same, but she is learning so much, so fast. I put every ounce of me into her. My goal is for her to be the best her that she can be. It starts very early because they are not children for long, so you must “Carpe Diem”!!
When I first had her, I felt overwhelmed around week 4. Not because I didn’t have help, but I didn’t want the help. I felt like she was all mine and my responsibility. My husband often told me that I was not a single parent. I didn’t realize that I was behaving like one, but I was. Even when family came to visit, I kept her in the room with me. I was quite possessive of her, but I didn’t want anyone to be burdened down with her. I remember when I was in the our room one day, I just sat and tears streamed down my face. Not sad tears, but just tears. I asked a friend recently if she went through postpartum depression because it can creep on a you. I’m sure I never went through it, but I did go through a necessary breather. You see, when you have a baby and then continuously go through life without acknowledging how new things are, life has as way of doing it for you. It tells you to slow down, pay attention, smile, shed a tear or two and smile again. The precious gift of life deserves acknowledgement. Even now, I’m no ones sap by any means, but at times I look at her smile and smile and shed a tear of appreciation. A child is such a precious gift. Many people who have a lot of children, never lost one, have completely healthy children or never had difficulties getting pregnant, are sometimes unaware of how amazing and complicated creating a life actually is. Every single thing must be perfect to make this child. For the people who are having difficulties conceiving or keeping a child, please know that you are not alone and that it is a difficult process. Keep your head up!!!!

Breastfeeding Q and A

Breastfeeding Q and A

So I recently read an article in the Time magazine about Jamie Lynne Grumet, who is the cover story. She breastfeeds her 3 almost 4 year old son off her breast to induce or continue bonding. It is called attachment parenting. Dr Sears discusses this alot, along with baby carrying in a sling, and co-sleeping. As a breastfeeding mom, I am curious to hear the thought of others on this topic. Grumet feels that children should wean themselves at their own pace. Do you think that a child should wean them self off the breast? Do you think she should pump versus feeding a toddler off her breast? Do you think it will have lasting psychological effects? She says that her mom breastfed her from the breast until she was 6 years old and she remembers. Is it different for a young boy?? Please join this conversation with respect for others opinions, great opinions give great insight. Does anyone have first hand experience with breastfeeding a toddler? Co-sleeping or sling wearing? Looking forward to the comments!
